Job 8:7


King James Version (KJV)

Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end should greatly increase.

American King James Version (AKJV)

Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end should greatly increase.

American Standard Version (ASV)

And though thy beginning was small, Yet thy latter end would greatly increase.

Basic English Translation (BBE)

And though your start was small, your end will be very great.

Webster's Revision

Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end would greatly increase.

World English Bible

Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase.

English Revised Version (ERV)

And though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

Definitions for Job 8:7

Latter - Last.

Clarke's Job 8:7 Bible Commentary

Though thy beginning was small - Thy former state, compared to that into which God would have brought thee, would be small; for to show his respect for thy piety, because thou hadst, through thy faithful attachment to him, suffered the loss of all things, he would have greatly multiplied thy former prosperity, so that thou shouldest now have vastly more than thou didst ever before possess.

Barnes's Job 8:7 Bible Commentary

Though thy beginning was small - On the supposition that the children of Job had been cut off, his family now was small. Yet Bildad says, that if he were to begin life again, even with so small a family, and in such depressed and trying circumstances, if he were a righteous man he might hope for returning prosperity.

Yet thy latter end - From this, it is evident that Job was not now regarded as an old man. He would still have the prospect of living many years. Some have supposed, however that the meaning here is, that his former prosperity should appear small compared with that which he would hereafter enjoy if he were pure and righteous. So Noyes and Rosenmuller interpret it. But it seems to me that the former interpretation is the correct one. Bildad utters a general sentiment, that though when a man begins life he has a small family and little property, yet if he is an upright man, he will be prospered and his possessions will greatly increase; compare Job 42:12 : "Yahweh blessed the latter end of Job more than the beginning."