Job 14:10


King James Version (KJV)

But man dies, and wastes away: yes, man gives up the ghost, and where is he?

American King James Version (AKJV)

But man dies, and wastes away: yes, man gives up the ghost, and where is he?

American Standard Version (ASV)

But man dieth, and is laid low: Yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?

Basic English Translation (BBE)

But man comes to his death and is gone: he gives up his spirit, and where is he?

Webster's Revision

But man dieth, and wasteth away: yes, man yieldeth his breath, and where is he?

World English Bible

But man dies, and is laid low. Yes, man gives up the spirit, and where is he?

English Revised Version (ERV)

But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?

Definitions for Job 14:10

Yea - Yes; certainly.

Clarke's Job 14:10 Bible Commentary

But man dieth - No human being ever can spring from the dead body of man; that wasteth away, corrupts, and is dissolved; for the man dies; and when he breathes out his last breath, and his body is reduced to dust, then, where is he? There is a beautiful verse in the Persian poet Khosroo, that is not unlike this saying of Job: -

"I went towards the burying ground, and wept

To think of the departure of friends which were captives to death;

I said, Where are they! and Fate

Gave back this answer by Echo, Where are they?

Thus paraphrased by a learned friend: -

Beneath the cypress' solemn shade,

As on surrounding tombs Igazed,

I wept, and thought of friends there laid,

Whose hearts with warmest love had blazed.

Where are those friends my heart doth lack,

Whose words, in grief, gave peace? Ah, where?

And Fate, by Echo, gave me back


Barnes's Job 14:10 Bible Commentary

But man dieth and wasteth away - Margin, "Is weakened, or cut off." The Hebrew word (חלשׁ châlash) means to overthrow, prostrate, discomfit; and hence, to be weak, frail, or waste away. The Septuagint renders it Ἀνὴρ δὲ τελευτήσας ᾤχετο Anēr de teleutēsas ōcheto - "man dying goes away." Herder renders it," his power is gone." The idea is, he entirely vanishes. He leaves nothing to sprout up again. There is no germ; no shoot; no living root; no seminal principle. Of course, this refers wholly to his living again on the earth, and not to the question about his future existence. That is a different inquiry. The main idea with Job here is, that when man dies there is no germinating principle, as there is in a tree that is cut down. Of the truth of this there can be no doubt; and this comparison of man with the vegetable world, must have early occurred to mankind, and hence, led to the inquiry whether he would not live in a future state. Other flyings that are cut down, spring up again and live. But man is cut down, and does not spring up again. Will he not be likely, therefore, to have an existence in some future state, and to spring up and flourish there? "The Romans," says Rosenmuller, "made those trees to be the symbol of death, which, being cut down, do not live again, or from whose roots no germs arise, as the pine and cypress, which were planted in burial-places, or were accustomed to be placed at the doors of the houses of the dead."

Man giveth up the ghost - Expires, or dies. This is all that the word (גוע gâva‛) means. The notion of giving up the spirit or the ghost - an idea not improper in itself - is not found in the Hebrew word, nor is it in the corresponding Greek word in the New Testament; compare Acts 5:10.

Wesley's Job 14:10 Bible Commentary

14:10 Man - Two words are here used for man. Geber, a mighty man, tho' mighty, dies. Adam, a man of earth, returns to it. Before death, he is dying daily, continually wasting away. In death, he giveth up the ghost, the spirit returns to God that gave it. After death, where is he? Not where he was: his place knows him no more.But is he nowhere? Yes, he is gone to the world of spirits, gone into eternity, gone, never to return to this world!