Why trim you your way to seek love? therefore have you also taught the wicked ones your ways.
Why trim you your way to seek love? therefore have you also taught the wicked ones your ways.
How trimmest thou thy way to seek love! therefore even the wicked women hast thou taught thy ways.
With what care are your ways ordered when you are looking for love! so ... your ways.
Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love? therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways.
How well you prepare your way to seek love! Therefore you have taught even the wicked women your ways.
How trimmest thou thy way to seek love! therefore even the wicked women hast thou taught thy ways.
Why trimmest thou thy way - Ye have used a multitude of artifices to gain alliances with the neighboring idolatrous nations.
Hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways - Ye have made even these idolaters worse than they were before. Dr. Blayney translates, "Therefore have I taught calamity thy ways." A prosopopoeia: "I have instructed calamity where to find thee." Thou shalt not escape punishment.
Why trimmest thou thy way - literally, "Why makest thou thy way good," a phrase used here of the pains taken by the Jews to learn the idolatries of foreign nations.
The wicked ones ... - Or, "therefore thou hast taught" thy ways wickednesses."
2:33 Trimmest - Or, deckest, Ezekiel 23:40 , thinking thereby to entice others to thy help. Taught - Nations that have been vile enough of themselves, by thy example are become more vile.