Hebrews 2:11


King James Version (KJV)

For both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brothers,

American King James Version (AKJV)

For both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brothers,

American Standard Version (ASV)

For both he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

Basic English Translation (BBE)

For he who makes holy and those who are made holy are all of one family; and for this reason it is no shame for him to give them the name of brothers,

Webster's Revision

For both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

World English Bible

For both he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brothers,

English Revised Version (ERV)

For both he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

Clarke's Hebrews 2:11 Bible Commentary

For both he that sanctifieth - The word ὁ ἁγιαζων does not merely signify one who sanctifies or makes holy, hut one who makes atonement or reconciliation to God; and answers to the Hebrew כפר caphar, to expiate. See Exodus 29:33-36. He that sanctifies is he that makes atonement; and they who are sanctified are they who receive that atonement, and, being reconciled unto God, become his children by adoption, through grace.

In this sense our Lord uses the word, John 17:19 : For their sakes I sanctify myself; ὑπερ αυτων εγω ἁγιαζω εμαυτον, on their account I consecrate myself to be a sacrifice. This is the sense in which this word is used generally through this epistle.

Are all of one - Εξ ἑνος παντες. What this one means has given rise to various conjectures; father, family, blood, seed, race, nature, have all been substituted; nature seems to be that intended, see John 17:14; and the conclusion of this verse confirms it. Both the Sanctifier and the sanctified - both Christ and his followers, are all of the same nature; for as the children were partakers of flesh and blood, i.e. of human nature, he partook of the same, and thus he was qualified to become a sacrifice for man.

He is not ashamed to call them brethren - Though, as to his Godhead, he is infinitely raised above men and angels; yet as he has become incarnate, notwithstanding his dignity, he blushes not to acknowledge all his true followers as his brethren.

Barnes's Hebrews 2:11 Bible Commentary

For both he that sanctifieth - This refers, evidently, to the Lord Jesus. The object is to show that there was such a union between him and those for whom he died, as to make it necessary that he should partake of the same nature, or that he should be a suffering man; Hebrews 2:14. he undertook to redeem and sanctify them. He called them brethren. He identified them with himself. There was, in the great work of redemption, a oneness between him and them, and hence, it was necessary that he should assume their nature - and the fact, therefore, that he appeared as a suffering "man," does not at all militate with the doctrine that he had a more exalted nature, and was even above the angels. Prof. Stuart endeavors to prove that the word "sanctify" here is used in the sense of, "to make expiation" or "atonement," and that the meaning is, "he who maketh expiation, and they for whom expiation is made."

Bloomfield gives the same sense to the word, as also does Rosenmuller. That the word may have such a signification it would be presumptuous in anyone to doubt, after the view which such people have taken of it; but it may be doubted whether this idea is necessary here. The word "sanctify" is a general term, meaning to make holy or pure; to consecrate, set apart, devote to God; to regard as holy, or to hallow. Applied to the Saviour here, it may be used in this general sense - that he consecrated, or devoted himself to God - as eminently "the consecrated" or "holy one" - the Messiah (compare the note at John 17:19); applied to his people, it may mean that they in like manner were the consecrated, the holy, the pure, on earth. There is a richness and fulness in the word when so understood which there is not when it is limited to the idea of expiation; and it seems to me that it is to be taken in its richest and fullest sense, and that the meaning is, "the great consecrated Messiah - the Holy One of God - and his consecrated and holy followers, are all of one." "All of one."

Of one family; spirit; Father; nature. Either of these significations will suit the connection, and some such idea must be understood. The meaning is, that they were united, or partook of something in common, so as to constitute a oneness, or a brotherhood; and that since this was the case, there was a propriety in his taking their nature. It does not mean that they were originally of one nature or family; but that it was understood in the writings of the prophets that the Messiah should partake of the nature of his people, and that, "therefore," though he was more exalted than the angels, there was a propriety that he should appear in the human form; compare John 17:21.

For which cause - That is, because he is thus united with them, or has undertaken their redemption.

He is not ashamed - As it might be supposed that one so exalted and pure would be. It might have been anticipated that the Son of God would refuse to give the name "brethren" to those who were so humble, and sunken and degraded as those whom he came to redeem. But he is willing to be ranked with them, and to be regarded as one of their family.

To call them brethren - To acknowledge himself as of the same family, and to speak of them as his brothers. That is, "he is so represented as speaking of them in the prophecies respecting the Messiah" - for this interpretation the argument of the apostle demands. It was material for him to show that he was so represented in the Old Testament. This he does in the following verses.

Wesley's Hebrews 2:11 Bible Commentary

2:11 For - They are nearly related to each other. He that sanctifieth - Christ, Heb 13:12. And all they that are sanctified - That are brought to God; that draw near or come to him, which are synonymous terms. Are all of one - Partakers of one nature, from one parent, Adam.