But you have not so learned Christ;
But you have not so learned Christ;
But ye did not so learn Christ;
For this was not the teaching of Christ which was given to you;
But ye have not so learned Christ;
But you did not learn Christ that way;
But ye did not so learn Christ;
But ye have not so learned Christ - Ye have received the doctrines of Christianity, and therefore are taught differently; ye have received the Spirit of Christ, and therefore are saved from such dispositions. Some would point and translate the original thus: Ὑμεις δε ουχ οὑτως· εμαθετε τον Χριστον· But ye are not thus; ye have learned Christ.
But ye have not so learned Christ - You have been taught a different thing by Christ; you have been taught that his religion requires you to abandon such a course of life.
4:20 But ye have not so learned Christ - That is, ye cannot act thus, now ye know him, since you know the Christian dispensation allows of no sin.