And this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel:
And this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel:
And this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel:
This is the law which Moses put before the children of Israel:
And this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel.
This is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel:
And this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel:
These verses would be more properly assigned to the next chapter. They are intended to serve as the announcement and introduction of the address now to be commenced. Deuteronomy 4:44 gives a kind of general title to the whole of the weighty address, including in fact the central part and substance of the book, which now follows in 22 chapters, divided into two groups:
(a) Deuteronomy 5-11,
(b) Deuteronomy 12-26.
The address was delivered when they had already received the first-fruits of those promises Deuteronomy 4:46, the full fruition of which was to be consequent on their fulfillment of that covenant now again about to be rehearsed to them in its leading features.
4:44 This is the law - More punctually expressed in the following chapter, to which these words are a preface.