Comedy Videos
Cat’s Hilarious Attempt to Catch a Leaf Ends with a Dizzy Fall
Comedian’s Side-Splitting Take on Battling Telemarketers and the Remote Control
Classroom Hamster Escapes and Embarks on a Hilarious Adventure
Cat Tries to Escape and Make a Run for It, But This Dog Has Other Plans
Actual Cat Burglar Caught in the Act and Returns to Scene for More Loot
Tim Hawkins Reveals the Hilarious Reason His Wife Gets Mad at Him
Today's Devotional
A Prayer for When You Are Worried - Your Daily Prayer - January 26
What are you worried about today? What causes you sleepless nights? Remember, Jesus is with you, faithfully and eternally.
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Passion Music Passion - He Who Is To Come / Come, Lord Jesus
Comedy Videos
Watch your favorite Christian comedies online including the popular Tim Hawkins, Jeanne Roberton, the Skit Guys, Bill Cosby and more clean, safe comedians for your family! Upload videos that you find funny and want to share with our audience. These comedy videos will be sure to give you a laugh today and put a smile on your face!
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